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Hautū Waka

Hautū Waka is a design process that supports people to innovate and change in complex, uncertain contexts, and is work developed by Roimata Taniwha-Pao'o and Ayla Hoeta, under guidance from Rereata Makiha. 


This version has questions we use to work with people in setting up projects. 

Download the Hautū Waka tool here

Also look at the resources available at  The Auckland Co-design Lab


The 6 Conditions

The 6 Conditions tool helps you look at a system and interrogate it, getting better perspectives around where you might change and/or innovate. 

This worksheet has questions to guide your reflection and help you find the opportunity to shift the existing system. 

Download the 6 Conditions tool here

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Te Whare Tapa Whā

Te Whare Tapa Whā is a model that represents health and wellbeing as a wharenui (meeting house) with four walls. Leading Māori health advocate, Sir Mason Durie developed the model in 1984.

This version includes suggestions on how to use it, including questions to ask yourself as you work through the model. I have also used this tool to explore my own values, as well as to design great experiences for others!

Download Te Whare Tapa Whā tool here

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The Reflexiv Tool

The Reflexiv tool suggests a reflective way to move from an experience to an experiment, based on the seperate work of Driscoll and Kolb in experiential learning and psychology.

This worksheet has questions to guide your reflection. It takes an experience and asks:

  • What was interesting?

  • So What was significant?

  • Now What will you do?

Download the Reflexiv tool here

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